Saturday, November 28, 2015


The metaphors for love could be as countless as the stars in the sky.  All of them equally valid because of the person feeling the love and because of the person being loved. my tall, dark and handsome, I pen these words.   They will be inadequate to express the depth of my feelings, but I hope you are able to get a sense of my heart and begin to comprehend the seriousness of my commitment to you, now and until I take my last breath.

When your voice permeates my being as we talk, I am centered.  I am reminded of who God made me to be, because you listen.  Then when I am able to feel your skin against mine, time seems to stand still and I enter a world of just you and me.....a place of comfort, sensuality, and knowing I am where I belong.  Right next to you.

Joy lavishes my heart when I hear your bold, gregarious laugh and I'm graciously reminded of the little boy inside of you that you are so protective of.

The words "I love you" can appear to be seemingly flippant as I say them every day.  However, they are ANYTHING but flippant.  Encompassing all that you are today and what God will help you to be in the future, I am here to be your partner, your friend and support.   I am honored to know you and walk with you, and consider it a true privilege  to refer to you as "MY" tall, dark and handsome.  I never in my wildest dreams thought God would give me someone with a depth and sincerity as you are.  I am truly blessed.  Thank you for allowing me opportunities to experience and enjoy the person that God has wired you to be.

I love you dear one.  

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