It's of the days that I look forward to the most. Life has been very crazy and yet God is faithful, even though I am not....(NOT EVEN close). He is involved and stays close. He stays engaged and connected. I know that He waits to hear my voice and yet I stay busy, saying out loud to others and to even to myself that "life demands so much of me both from my job and from my family. I don't have any time to spend with God." That's not to say that any of these things are bad, in and of themselves, because they are not, but they can become a distraction if a person lets them be. I am guilty of that lately.
The Enemy looks for ways to make us busy, keep us busy and help us think that our "busyness" makes us important in the eyes of others and in our own eyes and possibly, in His eyes.
Then there are times, in the most unexpected ways, that God slows us down and sends a "holy interruption" to our very planned schedules and He teaches us to listen. This can come in the form of a quiet conversation with someone you dearly love or from a friend that calls you with a cry for help. It can even come in the way of a computer problem, that no one seems to understand or know how to fix, UNTIL some prayers are sent up to heaven and a solution is presented.
God is teaching me. I know that He continues to want me to listen and learn that it isn't about how many things I get done in a day, or how many things I can do today so that I don't have to do them tomorrow (which is something I strive daily to do), but INSTEAD to learn that HE is the "WAY" of life, the "TRUTH" of living and He is really "THE LIFE" we all look for, not in the things that we "have to do" or accomplish.
Prayer: Forgive me Lord for being so busy that I make no time for the relationship that you want to have with me. Help me to listen and TAKE the time to be more like Mary, than Martha. Listening at your feet, trusting you'll take care of all that concerns me, even my "to do" list.
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