Friday, November 20, 2015


Is having a relationship with Jesus about being the right person?  saying the right things? knowing what to do?  Or is having this relationship with the Creator of the Universe likened to accepting His words of salvation and taking it in as your own?  I've heard a well-known pastor/preacher say once that the job of the believer is not in the doing, but in the believing.

Why is receiving so challenging?  Do we deem ourselves so unworthy that we can't even accept a gift from the Giver?  But maybe that's the point.  We ARE so unworthy, that's why we NEED the gift because we can't EARN it or do any kind of performance for the pardon or right standing.  So...the only way that it'll work is if we receive.

Prayer:  Thank you God for your eternal patience with my constant, almost annoying paralysis of analysis on your simple gift of grace.   Forgive me for being so prideful and stubborn.  I confess my dependence on my own intelligence and reasoning. It is absolute arrogance of me to think I could even come close to figuring out what Your plan is.  You are ABOVE every name.  Let me stand and soak in the rain.

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