Sunday, October 25, 2015

What glorious weather for a fall day!  The sun was shining and very few clouds.  I was blessed to go to worship this morning with the man I love.  I got to sit next to him, feel his arm around me and feel the love between us.  I thought that it couldn't get any better.  Worshipping God with a man that He has blessed me with.  I have two beautiful children...both gifts.

Then...we started talking about the future and I started feeling afraid and listening to the Enemy.... that was dumb on my part.  Then my dear sweet man reminded me that I CAN'T listen to the Enemy.  I have to CHOOSE to believe in God more than I believe in my feelings, more than I believe in what I see with my natural eyes and more than I even believe in him. take away for the day is this...I don't want to continue living in the same fears from the past that I have been living with for the past many years.  I need to pray.  I need to pray simple, heartfelt prayers throughout each day, thanking the Almighty God for all that He continues to give me, all that He HAS already given me and believe His Word before my own thinking.  His Word says in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a plan for me, a plan for good.  I also need to pray asking for help in simple ways as I travel through each day, because, even though I THINK that I can handle all that life is going to throw at me, I was reminded in a small, but extremely loving way, that I will NOT be able to handle it all on my own.

I need to follow the same peace that I have felt since I began this journey.  God hasn't taken away the peace, so I am going to continue to keep believing this man is the "the one", no matter what kind of darts are thrown my way.

Prayer:  It's me Lord. me depend on YOU, not me.  Remind me that I'm NOT God, YOU are.  Remind me (because I'm slow) that YOU love me.  In the power and righteousness of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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